Human microbiota: The microorganisms that make us their home
What makes a human body? According to researchers, human cells tell but half the story. The other half involves the myriad of microorganisms that make up the microbiota — “alien” environments all over our bodies that, as long as there is a healthy balance, help us thrive. Share on Pinterest Researchers continue to investigate the role of gut bacteria in the health of the brain and other areas of the body. For more research-backed information about the microbiome and how it affects your health, please visit our dedicated hub. The human body contains trillions of specialized cells — tiny building blocks that come together to support the development and functioning of the body. But human cells are not the only “materials” that make up our bodies. In fact, we live in symbiosis with trillions of microorganisms, too. Researchers have long debated the true ratio of human cells to microorganisms in the average body. Estimates have fluctuated, but the most recent st...